tradeit ecommerce platform version 5.3

Monday, 19 October 2015
Hot on the heels of our last update, comes more great functionality in tradeit:


Minimum order quantity NEW

tradeit now supports minimum order quantities for any product, all configurable in the admin system. These represent the minimum number of a product that a customer is allowed to buy in an order. If a customer tries to add less than the minimum quantity to their basket, tradeit will automatically increase that to the minimum amount required. By configuring stock rules in tradeit, if stock of such an item falls below the minimum quantity, the item will automatically be flagged as out of stock and not available to order.

Quantity steps NEW

In conjunction with the minimum order quantities, tradeit can now also support quantity steps for products. Ideal for B2B and bulk orders, these indicate what quantity of a product must be bought together. i.e. If a product has a quantity step of 5, then the customer can only order 5, 10, 15, 20 etc... If the quantity of one of these products added by a customer to their basket is less than, or between the quantity step values, their order will automatically be rounded to the nearest step value. Stock rules can also be configured to adjust an order down to the nearest step value based on available stock.

Order receipts NEW

Having recently introduced multiple/split payment methods on orders, tradeit has been further enhanced to provide multiple receipts against each payment method type. This mean that when multiple payment types are used, each has a separate receipt and each can then show whether they had a successful authorisation against them. By showing these authorisations separately, the merchant is able to see exactly which payment methods were successful, which weren't and the reason why they were unsuccessful.

Promotions UPDATED

tradeit can now generate up to 999,999 unique coupon codes with a mandatory prefix whilst also improving the speed of validation of those codes when used.

Amazon Marketplace Integration UPDATED

The integration between tradeit and Amazon marketplace has been strengthened to make it much simpler to configure in the administration system including:
  • Language - Configure multiple marketplaces in multiple languages or show different content on a national marketplace to that shown on your website.
  • Stock Allocation - Share stock between your website and Amazon Marketplace channel and allocate a percentage of your stock to each.
  • Price List - Assign a completely separate price list to the Amazon channel if required.
  • Order Configuration & Delivery - Automatically create an order in tradeit from those orders downloaded from Amazon. Can also map delivery options between the two systems.

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