Project Highlights
- Hosting
Fully hosted solution with infrastructure designed to cope with huge increases in the volume of site traffic and orders at certain times of the year, due to the seasonal nature of their business
- Sophisticated Search
Sophisticated site-search capabilities including custom configuration and additional metric enhancements based on customer-tested scenarios
- Click & Collect
Click & Collect from between 200-300 stores. As a seasonal business, many of the stores are pop-ups, but they can easily turn that fulfilment option off to certain stores and at certain times of the year
- MOTO/Call Centre
Built-in call centre allows admin users to setup/view customer accounts and process orders on their behalf, as well as aiding customer service to provide online support. Also features enhanced customer search and postcode look-up
- Seamless Integrations
Seamless integrations with numerous third-party systems including their bespoke ERP, Trust Payments (including PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, & PCI-PAL), Ometria, Feefo, Loqate, Royal Mail, HotJar, Facebook Pixel, Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics
- Local Collection
Additional, Local Collect fulfilment option enables users to pick up orders from any Post Office branch or Royal Mail Customer Service Point in the country
- Advanced Promotions
More advanced promotions engine than their previous platform enables them to configure new bundle and offer types to drive up AOV and conversions
- Redirects
Redirects automatically set up from last year's calendars to current versions, helping conversions and avoiding bounces
- Content Management
Advanced content management giving them complete control over content, including navigation, with more dynamic and personalised elements
Project Overview
Having traded online since 2003, Calendar Club have a well-established ecommerce operation alongside their stores. As the stores are seasonal, the website is their sole order driver throughout a large part of the year - people still want to buy calendars in the middle of the year believe it or not! Also, now their range has expanded to include gift lines such as stationery, mugs, socks and more, there is demand for non-dated products any way, making ecommerce primary to their business.

Once the pandemic hit and the site became their only sales channel it underlined the issues even more. The decision was taken to replatform as it was no longer a case of 'making do', the website was too important to their revenue. They chose to replatform to tradeit as they liked the platform, the price, the timelines, and the 'feel' of the company. They also liked that the platform was well established, constantly upgraded and maintained.
Traffic Spikes
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